Stress and resilience guest edit - CREST Security Review Magazine
In 2018, Nathan and Emma were invited to guest edit an issue of the Centre for Research and Evidence on Security (CREST) Security Review Magazine on stress and resilience. Nathan and Emma highlight why studies of people in extreme environments are relevant to stress and resilience in defence and security contexts.
“Security work is inherently stressful, involving individuals making high-consequence decisions and taking actions in complex and potentially dangerous situations, sometimes while exposed to extreme environmental conditions. Identifying sources of stress and implementing effective coping strategies is crucial to operational success. Understanding how and when hostile actors (terrorists or cybercriminals, for example) experience stress and what contributes to their resilience can inform strategies to undermine their effectiveness.”
Nathan and Emma’s editorial and all of the invited magazine articles are available open access here:
Image: Challenge and threat', :copyright: R. Stevens / CREST (CC BY-NC-SA)