Extreme: Why some people thrive at the limits

In 2014, Emma and her colleague Paul Martin literally wrote the book on humans in extreme environments. Extreme: Why some people thrive at the limits, published by Oxford University Press, looks at the myriad factors related to human experiences at the limits of life and factors that contribute to coping and resilience under extreme stress.

The book includes chapters on:

  1. Life at the Edge

  2. Bravery

  3. Hardship

  4. Bad Sleep

  5. Monotony

  6. Alone

  7. Other People

  8. Teamwork

  9. Knowhow

  10. Focus

  11. Resilience

  12. Choosing Extremes

  13. Staying and Leaving

You can purchase a copy from Amazon here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Extreme-some-people-thrive-limits/dp/0199668582 or get the audiobook version and listen on the go: https://www.audible.co.uk/pd/Extreme-Audiobook/B00Q6ZHW2C?qid=1588754581&sr=1-1&ref=a_search_c3_lProduct_1_1&pf_rd_p=c6e316b8-14da-418d-8f91-b3cad83c5183&pf_rd_r=ZNDYB71YF70MPG2RJJ6J


Online learning psychology in extreme environments - In Extremis school